Introduction"Downtown, you
take your place, you know what I mean?
For many people, it's a fact of life. In my case, I was bullied out of a few jobs and work I otherwise enjoyed (more in my biography). After I left my last publicity job under suspicious circumstances (I was "perfect" and "indespensible" until the day I was "let go"), I had an epiphany. Rather than ask, "Why me?" for the umteenth time, I decided to do something about it. As an experienced journalist and film publicist, I am channeling my skills into a documentary and book, The Expendables, designed to put a human face on the targets of workplace abuse and examine the workplace "systems" that allow it to happen. My intentions are to touch hearts as well as minds and funny bones, and encourage people to find themselves a happy ending to their story (or better yet, a continuation), rather than "accepting" their place in society and "settling" for less and abandoning their dreams. Although corporate handbooks and motivational speakers praise innovators whose being "different" and "individual" results successful operations, it's those very same qualities that are used against a very talented, interesting, imaginative and determined segment of the population. In otherwords, targets are "cool" people who are not reaping the benefits of their natural gifts, education and potential because of problems they may not be aware of or cannot control. Here you are, a talented, vital, skilled and intelligent adult with everything to contribute and everything to lose. Every day, you are too aware that your professional and personal security hangs in the balance. You may be working in an office with individuals or cliques who won't let you do your job. Your intention is to complete your projects with excellence and in a timely fashion, but there are other things on your mind-- verbal abuse, scapegoating, sabotage, gossip, office politics, practical jokes directed at you, and personal agendas that have no correlation to your job description. You are looking over your shoulder more often than looking at your monitor or caseload. Or you are unemployed, unable to find work and asking yourself, "What's next?" |